Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tag Me Happy!

Amazing - is very cool and gives (thankfully) less, but a more comprehensive list of websites than google did. I've got the buttons poised to be pressed in my IE browser and will be bookmarking and tagging more sites as I continue through my technology travels.

Season's Greetings - I'll back in the new year.

Catching Up

I'm a little behind and have been neglecting my blog (sorry). I've added RSS feeds, but feel that I still need to learn more about them. When it comes to Wikis - I have no idea. I think I'm going to move on and come back to them another time. Web 2.0 training is teaching how technologically dated my knowledge really is. I'll keep working on it and use what I learn to reach a broader group of student and industry clients. On to next task.....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Getting My Feet Wet

So now I'm feeling all tech-savy, with my new blog and adding an RSS button and a picture. Although I am sure this is no great accomplishment for the younger generation - but I'm learning here. Computers, the internet and email are wonders of the world for me (given the fact that I used to type essays on a typewriter).

I guess it is like with all new things, there is learning curve - technology, resume writing, interviewing, networking etc etc.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Welcome to CareerLab McMaster! This is my first experiment into the world of blogging. I look forward to discovering all it has to offer.